Tacoma Creates 2022-23 Annual Report

Tacoma Creates is the Arts and Cultural Vitality arm of the City of Tacoma. When they reached out about doing an annual report for them I was ecstatic! Having friends who have benefitted from the funding that Tacoma Creates gives to artists to do good in our city, it was a slam dunk for me. We started by putting together a comprehensive creative brief that explored the look and feel, audience, and overall story that they wanted to tell with this report. Being a community- and City official-facing document - clarity, readability, and quality photography were incredibly important to make the document engaging. As we continued the process it was apparent that most people would be viewing the document on their screens, so we changed the orientation to be more screen-friendly. All of these choices proved to be a win for the report and for Tacoma Creates!

In addition to the annual report itself, swipe-able social media images were created so that they could reach a more broad audience with the report’s information.

To view the annual report in its entirety, click here.

